HRM 531 HRM531 HRM/531 Week 6 Recruitment and Selection Strategies Recommendations


Complete the Recruitment and Selection Strategies Recommendations task, as described in the Email from Traci, located on the Atwood and Allen Consulting page.


Hello Marylee,


That is exactly what I was going to suggest. I will have my team develop some recruitment and selection strategies that should work well for your business. One important thing to remember, and my team is aware of this: we need to focus on strategies that will work in Arizona. The strategies you use there might be different from strategies you would use in Detroit, Michigan.


I shouldn't need to get any additional information from you for this task. We'll start working right away, and I should have some strategies to you soon.


Traci Goldeman, Consultant Manager

Atwood and Allen Consulting


Hey Traci,


It's Marylee again. I got the training plan you sent over and it looks fabulous. Your team did a great job. Make sure to give them my kudos! I feel like we're really close to having everything we need. I just need some recruitment and selection strategies, and I should have everything I need from you. What do you think?


Marylee Luther

Clapton Commercial Construction

Detroit, Michigan

HR Director and Head of Arizona Expansion


Hello Marylee,


Thank you for your e-mail, and yes, we will provide a training plan for you using the information you provided for us. We should have something drafted for you soon. I will be in touch when we do, but don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Traci Goldeman, Consultant Manager

Atwood and Allen Consulting


Hey Traci,


Thanks for the performance management strategies you sent over. There were some great recommendations given. I'm excited to see what your team can come up with for a training plan. I know there are a lot of variables involved, but one of my concerns is about the cost of the training plan.


Just keep in mind that we have an annual net revenue of $10,000,000. That will change, though, because we're expecting -3% revenue growth the first year after the expansion. You'll probably also need to consider that we plan to increase our current workforce of 650 by 20% with the expansion. Oh, and one more thing: our annual turnover rate is 20%, and we expect that to stay the same over the next year.


If your team could come up with an effective and efficient training plan, that would be tremendous.


Thank you so much,


Marylee Luther

Clapton Commercial Construction

Detroit, Michigan

HR Director and Head of Arizona Expansion

SKU: HRM531-13

Subject Type

Price: $12.50